30×30 Challenge Day 3: Walk in the Woods

May 12, 2013


There’s a public park at the Little River Reservoir on the city’s east side. We’ve driven by it many times, and I always promised the kids we’d stop in there one day. On Friday afternoon, we went to “The Rez” with a picnic lunch; shortly after we arrived I knew we’d found a (to us) hidden gem.

The only thing visible from the road was an expansive parking lot and a large play structure with slides and swings. The large sandy beach and lake didn’t come fully into view until we’d parked the car and made our way toward the picnic tables. We ate lunch and then the kids headed for the playground equipment. I had one eye on them and another on the water and the beach. I also saw what looked to be a walking trail through the woods along the perimeter of the lake.

beach bumsWe walked down to the water’s edge after playing on the swings and slides. We skipped stones on the water and watched the minnows swim near the shore, and then we wandered down the beach toward the woods. Jack was keen to get back on the playground equipment but I talked him into heading toward the wooded area at the end of the beach, where I did indeed find a walking trail that followed the shoreline.

We walked a kilometre into the woods, stopping to look at the water through breaks in the trees. Ella and Jack were so energized they both walked the whole way on their own. Jack actually had me fretting most of the time because he would run ahead and hide in the densely packed trees.

I was honestly exhilarated by the experience, mostly because the afternoon had far exceeded my expectations. It was cold and foggy when we left the city centre. But it was hot and sunny here when the forecast had called for cloud and showers.

I had also not expected to discover such a lovely beach and wooded walking trail on the city’s east side, which is better known to me for its malls, box stores, industrial park and oil refinery.

Jack, Ella and Mark are taking part in the David Suzuki Foundation 30×30 Nature Challenge. On the weekends they take Janet along with them. If you have any suggestions for places they should visit, e-mail Mark: fmleger@gmail.com


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