Dad’s no Superman but he’s a good Tooth Fairy

June 27, 2013

I took the kids to Rothesay yesterday to get hair cuts and visit their grandmother, “wee-mum.” Afterwards we went to the Rothesay SuperStore, which they prefer over the City Road location because of the superior fleet of “car carts.”

As we got out of the car Jack said, “Dad, why do they call it ‘super’ store? They don’t save anyone.” I was momentarily confused until I picked up on the super hero reference.

During our last few shopping trips Jack has become fixated on the electric toothbrushes. Each time I’ve had to drag him away, saying he can buy one with money from his Lightning McQueen “piggy” bank on our next trip. Of course we always forget this promise until the moment we next arrive at the toothbrush aisle.

This time it was no different. I tried to sneak a new one in the cart for Ella because her’s was worn out, but he caught me. I lied and told him it was a gift for his cousin but was soon forced to admit it was for Ella. I reminded him that we were going to get something for him too – a new pair of sneakers later that day.

Shortly after we arrived home, Jack came into the kitchen and said his tooth was loose. He opened his mouth and wiggled a tooth on the lower front row with his tongue. A few minutes later he returned with the tooth in his hand. I was a little alarmed because he’s just four, a little too young to lose his first tooth; he was thrilled because it meant his first visit from the Tooth Fairy. “I’m going to get some money, and maybe a toy,” he said.

He went to bed around 8 o’clock. An hour later, long after he’d fallen asleep, I went into his room and placed a Toonie under his pillow. At 11:30 we went to bed ourselves. Shortly after I turned out the light an idea occurred to me. Jack needs to find that electric tooth brush under his pillow when he wakes up in the morning.

Janet had already fallen asleep, so I quietly slipped out of bed and put on my clothes. I got into the car and made the 15-minute drive to the SuperStore in Rothesay, which was luckily open 24 hours.

I went to the toothbrush aisle and picked out an electric Spiderman toothbrush. Back home, I snuck into his room and placed it underneath the pillow alongside his Toonie.

I woke up in the morning giddy with anticipation. I soon heard Jack yell from his bedroom, “Mom, the Tooth Fairy came and left me a present!”

He was so excited he didn’t see the Toonie. “How did she now I wanted a toothbrush?!”

I’m no Superman, but I must admit I’m a pretty good Tooth Fairy.

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